Help us continue preserving our Eastern Shore heritage
The Eastern Shore Archives is owned and operated by the Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society.
The Society is a registered charity, a not-for-profit organization overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors and supported by a membership and volunteer base. The Archives is supported by fundraising efforts of the Society, the sale of genealogical books and services, as well as occasional government project grants. We appreciate support from the community.
There are many ways to contribute to the work we do. Find out more below!
The Archives is interested in acquiring primary documents that were created on the Eastern Shore between Lawrencetown and Ecum Secum. We acquire personal papers, letters, business records, diaries, journals, registers, maps and photographs. While we prefer original records, we are open to digital copies of significant records or photos.
Please Contact Us directly to find out if your donation fits with our acquisition policy.
Monetary donations are very important to us. They help with the upkeep of our building, maintenance of our fires suppression system, investments in technology and assist with research projects. No donation is too small.
Volunteers are at the core of our success. From typing transcripts to scanning photos, from researching built heritage to interviewing elders, we need dedicated volunteers to sustain us. Please consider donating some of your time as a volunteer.
Contact Us for details.
Eastern Shore Heritage Preservation Fund
The Eastern Shore Heritage Preservation Endowment Fund is an endowment fund held in trust by the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia, on our behalf.
Donors interested in making a larger, long-lasting contribution to the Archives and its work, should direct donations to this fund. The Archives annually receives the interest from this growing endowment fund and contributions made to it can be recognized in a variety of ways, please Contact Us for details.
Contributions to this fund can be made directly through Canada Helps (with receipt from Canada Helps) or by cheque to the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia (CFNS) (with receipt from CFNS) or directly to the Heritage Society (with receipt issued by the Heritage Society). Please indicate that it is a donation for the Endowment Fund on the cheque.
Learn More about giving and donor recognition.