Oral History Project

“Let’s Talk Heritage”: A New Oral History Project

The Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society is working to collect stories from our community elders on the Eastern Shore (Lawrencetown to Ecum Secum)

This project starts with you…
We are looking for volunteers to carry out audio interviews with local seniors. Participants will receive training, as well as equipment and support throughout the process to capture the stories of family and friends.

  • You know of an elder (age 85+) who might be willing to be interviewed
  • You would like to be an “interviewer” and receive training, equipment and assistance.


Niko Wilson-Henkelmann

Meet-Ups: Let’s Start a Conversation

We will be hosting information sessions along the Eastern Shore this summer and will be posting dates and locations soon.
Please check back here for updates and details.

Project Outline

The Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society is excited to announce a new project sponsored by the New Horizons for Seniors Program. This project focuses on collecting stories from our community elders over the age of 85 who have lived most of their lives on the Eastern Shore.

The Society already has many oral histories housed in our Archives, but we want to gather as many diverse and geographically representative voices from along the Shore (between Lawrencetown and Ecum Secum) as we can.

The Heritage Society is looking for volunteers interested in carrying out audio interviews. Volunteers will receive training on interviewing techniques and equipment, and will be supported by the Project Coordinator, who will help with technology, administration and outreach. We are hoping to empower seniors in our community to improve their digital literacy skills and be a part of this project, as many of our seniors are already connected to the elders that we want to

Along with the interviewing project we are creating a ‘Let’s Talk Heritage’ initiative, which will be available to anyone interested in encouraging meaningful discussions with elders about their local community. These “field kits” will include photographs, maps, and memorabilia from our archives and other sources which can be used to evoke stories and memories to encourage
intergenerational learning.

Contact us if you would like to receive a field kit to spark conversations.